
Monthly Archives: September 2020

5 Panduan Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 10 di PC Anda

Sahabat DomaiNesia, bagi Anda yang merasa laptop atau PC berbasis Windows 10 yang Anda miliki bekerja sangat lamban, Kami akan membagikan solusinya untuk Anda di sini!

Jika berurusan dengan laptop/PC yang kinerjanya cukup lamban dan menghambat aktivitas Anda, bukan berarti harus membeli atau menggantinya dengan yang baru. Anda hanya perlu beberapa penyesuaian pada hardware dan software sederhana saja, untuk membuat kinerja Windows 10 menjadi lebih ringan dan cepat.

Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Windows 10 Lebih Ringan

Jika urusan web hosting berkualitas solusinya ada di DomaiNesia, namun untuk mempercepat kinerja Windows 10 tentu saja Anda harus mengikuti panduan di bawah ini :

  • Hilangkan Program yang Muncul Ketika Startup

Ini berlaku bagi Anda yang merasa laptop/PC-nya lamban akibat loading Windows cukup lama saat pertama kali dinyalakan. Salah satu penyebabnya mungkin ada banyak program di PC yang sedang berjalan saat Anda memasuki Windows, biasanya dikenal dengan istilah Startup Programs.

Adapun untuk melihat apa saja program yang berjalan saat masuk ke Windows pertama kali, silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini :

  • Silahkan klik kanan di dalam taskbar.
  • Lalu pilih menu Task Manager.
  • Kemudian pilih tab Startup.
  • Lalu pilih apa saja program yang dirasa tak perlu dijalankan di awal.
  • Lalu klik kanan program tersebut dan pilih Disable.

Sebaiknya pilih beberapa program yang tak ada kaitannya dengan OS Windows, seperti Antivirus, Adobe, dan lain sebagainya yang bukan termasuk bawaan Windowsnya itu sendiri.

  • Lakukan Update Windows 10

Biasanya Microsoft dengan konsisten selalu merilis update-an untuk Windows 10 agar bisa mempercepat kinerja sistem. Update atau pembaruan dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengecek “Pembaruan Sistem” kemudian pilih “Pembaruan” apabila sudah tersedia pembaruan terbaru. Saat melakukan hal ini, perhatikan bahwa Anda sudah menyimpan data-data pribadi yang penting supaya tidak hilang ketika proses pembaharuan berlangsung.

Jika dalam menu pembaruan masih belum tersedia, pemeliharaan sistem dapat dijadikan sebagai pilihan lain. Pada prinsipnya, tujuan pemeliharaan sistem ini untuk mempertahankan performa Windows supaya terhindar dari kerusakan dan masalah-masalah Windows lainnya.

  • Nonaktifkan Efek Visual Windows

Semakin lama windows semakin mempercantik visualnya lewat beragam efek dan animasi yang menarik, namun justru hal ini berdampak pada kinerja PC, apalagi bagi PC atau laptop yang memiliki spek pas-pasan.

Untungnya Anda dapat menonaktifkan efek visual tersebut, sehingga laptop atau PC Anda tak perlu terbebani oleh tampilan visual yang menarik pada windows, sehingga kinerjanya tetap maksimal.

Adapun panduan cara menonaktifkan efek visual Windows itu sendiri, ialah sebagai berikut :

  • Silahkan buka opsi Start Menu
  • Kemudian ketikkan “performance”.
  • Lalu pilih “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows”.
  • Dalam tab bertuliskan Visual Effects, Anda bisa pilih Adjust for best performance.
  • Silahkan centang di efek mana saja yang Anda inginkan tetap aktif.
  • Lalu pilih apply.
  • Modifikasi Power Plan

Power Plan sendiri merupakan sistem manajemen otomatis dari Windows menyesuaikan pengaturan atau settingan yang telah dipilih pengguna saat alokasi daya baterai. Adapun untuk mengetahui jenis power plan apa yang digunakan, Anda bisa mengikuti panduan berikut ini :

  • Silahkan klik kanan taskbar lalu pilih menu Settings.
  • Kemudian pilih System dan Power & Sleep.
  • Selanjutnya pilih lagi Additional power settings.
  • Dari sini, Anda dapat melihat tampilan Power Plan yang Anda gunakan.

Sebagai tambahan, pakai Power Saver jika Anda hanya ingin menghemat daya baterai PC yang hampir habis. Ketika kondisi pada kabel power sedang tercolok, pilih High Performance atau Balanced.

  • Disk Cache ReadyBoost

Disk Cache ReadyBoost sendiri merupakan fitur bawaan untuk menggunakan flash memory, semisal Compact Flash, SD Card, USB Flashdisk, hingga SSD internal guna meningkatkan performa laptop.

ReadyBoost ini bekerja dengan memonitor program apa saja yang berjalan di PC atau laptop. Secara otomatis, fitur ini bekerja untuk menyimpan file-file maupun libraries aplikasi ke flash memory.

Jika memakai media penyimpanan seperti flashdisk, Anda harus menghubungkan perangkat tersebut ke PC kemudian aktifkan ReadyBoost. Selanjutnya Windows akan memproses penyimpanan data ke flashdisk dari SuperFetch. Dengan demikian, memori sistem pun akan kosong dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk proses yang lainnya.

Itulah beberapa cara untuk memaksimalkan kinerja Windows 10 yang bisa Anda ikuti. Nah, untuk Anda yang ingin membeli domain dan hosting untuk membuat website, silahkan pilih DomaiNesia yang menghadirkan kualitas terbaik dan berpengalaman karena sudah melayani sebanyak 50.000 customer lebih di seluruh Indonesia hingga mancanegara.


Preventing The Need For Water Damage Repair

The need to carry out a water damage repair isn’t always provoked by serious events like hurricanes and floods. Most times, water damages in a home are caused by little problems that are left unchecked. Thus, to prevent such damages, attention must be paid to every part of your home. Below are some key areas to monitor in and around your home

  • Check Your Pipes

The pipes in your home are your water’s main medium of transportation. Thus, most water problems occur when there is something wrong with one or more of them. Homeowners should form a habit of checking their pipes from time to time. Check for brittleness and leaks.

PS: older pipes are more likely to cause problems, so its best to carry out a more regular check if your home and pipes are old.

  • Keep the Gutters and Downspouts Clean

If your rain gutters and downpipes are not clog-free, then you might experience a water buildup on your roofs. Over time, this buildup could begin to seep into your home and cause adverse effects to your infrastructure and foundation.

  • Inspect Your Sump Pumps

Your sump pump helps a great deal in keeping the water level low in the event of a storm. Make sure it is in perfect working conditions. You should test it once or twice a year.

  • Check Your Roof

A displaced shingle or a fallen tree limb that lands on your roof could result in more water damage than you might imagine. Occurrences such as these could provide the gap that water needs to infiltrate your home. To prevent this, check your roof from time to time to ensure it is in prime condition.

Preventing Water Damages to Your Home

To prevent the need for water damage repair, here are a few preventive measures you can take in and around your home.

  • When landscaping, make sure there is a slight slope of about 6 inches away from your foundation. This greatly minimizes the risk of having walls that have weakened because of water pooling at your foundations.
  • Make sure your downspouts direct water no less than 5 feet away from your home.
  • Inspect your home regularly for leaks and fix them immediately.
  • Avoid pouring grease down the drain pipes. This could clog up the drains and cause water backup problems.
  • Also, abstain from using the toilets as a garbage disposal system. It is not the place to discard your q tips or other facial beauty related articles.
  • Avoid planting trees closer to where your pipes run. If a tree near a pipe has grown out of proportion, its best to remove them. This is because their roots might have become big enough to wrap around the pipes and destroy them.
  • If there are any trees very close to the house, make sure their branches are trimmed regularly. This prevents falling limbs from causing damages to your roof.
  • If you must leave your home for a long period of time, make sure to shut off your home’s water supply from the water main.

With tips like these and a few others such as monitoring your water bill to ensure that the amount you are paying justifies the water you are using, you can always prevent the need for water damage repair.


Legal Implications of Online Time and Attendance Tracking

When you have employees working remotely, it can be stressful making sure they are doing the tasks that need to be done for your company. You may go to some extreme measures to make sure they are where they’re supposed to be and working on the correct task or project. However, this can lead to legal issues that will harm your company as opposed to helping it.

By using online time and attendance software, you can have your employees punch in and out in real-time, process accurate payroll, and even capture their picture or location.

When you start letting your employees work from home, you will need to consider many things that may get your business into trouble. An online time and attendance program can help you avoid some more common legal problems. However, you will want to be sure the software you choose will help you avoid those legal issues while also accurately tracking employee work hours and time off.

Not all time clock solutions are the same, and certain ones will work better for your employees who work from home or who are out in the field.

Is GPS Legal For Remote Employees?

This can be a tricky question. The answer is it can be illegal if you go about it the wrong way. However, if you choose the right time tracking system, it will help you avoid any legal issues. So, yes, and no, it is legal. Here is what you can do to prevent any sticky situations that might occur.

GPS Tracking

First and foremost, you will need to choose the right employee timesheet software that allows employees to punch time from their phones or laptops. Doing so will allow you to capture the GPS location at certain times of the day, such as when an employee is punching in or out or switching between jobs.

Agree to Terms

You will need to ensure that every employee knows exactly what is being tracked. This includes why they are being tracked, when they are being tracked, and who receives the information. The best way to do that is to draw up a contract for your employees to review and sign. After that, they will have to agree to the terms and conditions of the time clock attendance app on the device itself. This will help you stay out of trouble and set boundaries for your employees.

IP Address

If you have employees who work from home and are not driving around, some of these job clock applications will allow you to restrict their punching capabilities to a specific IP address. Doing so allows you to ensure that employees are punching time only from pre-approved locations without violating their privacy.

There are easy ways to avoid legal issues. Most of them can be avoided using work tracking software and setting it up to only track your employees when they know about it and when it’s necessary. This means every time an employee punches into their shift remotely; they’ll understand precisely if their location information is being captured. Any location information tracked outside of the specified time frames can be considered illegal.

When Is It Illegal to Track Your Remote Employees?

Anytime an employee is not clocked into the time keeper app, it is illegal to track them. They agree to the terms and conditions, and it is their responsibility to read everything very carefully. However, as an employer, you must respect their privacy.

Any GPS tracking that your employee is not aware of is an invasion of privacy, and you must not do it. You can easily set up your online time and attendance software to automatically stop as soon as an employee punches out. This will help you avoid any messy situations.

Final Thoughts

Running a business is tedious work. Being able to keep track of remote employees is crucial but can be scary. Especially when you must think about legal consequences. Using an online time and attendance app can make this a lot more straightforward for you and help set clear boundaries. The employees will know their time is still accounted for, and you will get regular updates as to where they are and when they are on and off the clock. This can save you a lot of headaches in the future.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hosting a Yard Sale and How to Fix Them

Hosting a garage sale allows you to dispose of the clothes you no longer need. Your closet becomes more spacious. You can also immediately find the ones you need to wear for the day. Before getting too excited, you should remember that not all yard sales are successful. Despite your effort, you might still fail to sell the items you want. It could happen due to these common mistakes that you should avoid.

Not advertising enough

The key to a yard sale success is an advertisement. Let everyone know that you’re hosting one. Provide the necessary details, including the location and time. It’s easier for people to know about it. Tag your neighbours and relatives who live nearby. There’s a good chance more people will know of the upcoming yard sale based on these ads.

Use your social media for advertising since it can reach more people. Take a photo of some items you intend to sell and give people an idea about the price range.

Not organising the things for sale

You should organise and label the items for sale to make it easier to shop. You don’t wish to give people a hard time locating the best buys. You can even have a section specifically for items that are worth the price. Potential buyers will appreciate how you make things easier for them.


Sure, you want to make money out of these items, but you shouldn’t overprice. Remember that these things are no longer important to you. If no one buys them, you will probably throw them away. As such, you have to be more reasonable with pricing. You can even offer some of them for free to those who already purchased a lot.

Choosing the wrong location 

Although it’s a garage sale, it doesn’t have to be in your garage. You can use your front lawn or other areas in your house that is spacious enough. You don’t want people to pack in a small area. They will find it hard to shop, and they might not want to buy anymore. If your house is too small, you can look for a different area. Ask your friends or rent a commercial space for a day. As long as it’s affordable enough, you can take it.

Acting like you mean business

Again, doing the yard sale isn’t primarily for business. You do it to dispose of the things you no longer need. The goal is to remove as many things as possible. Don’t be too strict with the customers. Be friendly and don’t act like you’re running a huge business. It will only last for a day. Once it’s over, these people will be back as your friends and neighbours. Don’t destroy your friendship over the yard sale.

If you still have many clothes left despite your effort to dispose of them, you can have a built in bedroom constructed. It’s easier to organise your clothes when you have one. You can also use the amount obtained from the sale for building it.


Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/sN4u56baSB0


How to Calculate When Your Patent Will Expire

Patents are a complicated thing. However, they are worth all of the complex issues that come along with a patent because they give you the protection you need against your invention.

Basic Facts About Patents

Patent is issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The two main common types of patents include the utility patent and the design patent.

A utility patent is granted to anyone that invents or discovers any useful and new process, machine, article of manufacture or composition of matter, according to the United State Patent and Trademark Office.

A design patent defined by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, is granted to anyone who invents a new, original and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.

Expiration of Patents

The current standard term of patents have been in full force since June 8, 1995. That is when the United States Patent and Trademark Office adjusted the terms for patents to expire every 20 years. It was originally 17 years.

However, various factors can adjust this standard expiration term. Surprisingly, it isn’t as cut and dry as you may think.

Things to impact the expiration term of a patent include:

– Patent application type (utility or design patent)

– When the patent was filed

– The date the patent was issued

A utility patent expire in 20 years, but may be required to pay maintenance fees over time. Where a design patent expires after 15 years, but usually don’t require maintenance fees over time.

It can sometimes be hard to calculate accurately when a patent is set to expire. This is an important thing to know so you can chose to renew your patent in plenty of time. Working with a patent attorney can help you take out all of the doubt you have over your patent.

Working with a Patent Attorney

If you are thinking of applying for a patent or have questions regarding an existing patent, you should always discuss things with a trusted patent attorney in Phoenix. Legal advice is very valuable during the patent application, while owning a patent, and renewing a patent.