


Simply put, it’s the result of a buildup of dead skin cells. Beard Dandruff appears when the skin sheds faster than expected, leading to a clear collection of snowflake-like somatic cell clusters.


Beard dandruff could be a result of one or more of the following

  1. Dry skin
  2. Microorganisms
  3. Sensitivity to skin/beard care products.

Dry skin: We’ve all had dry skin at a point in time. Dry skin generally occurs under your beard once you wash your face with harsh cleansers or regular soap. While maintaining a clean face and a clean beard, they remove oils that moisturize your skin or beard hair, making them dry out. Beard dandruff is characterized by itching, irritation, and associated skin flakes. Beard dandruff caused by dry skin is more pronounced during colder months; it can start growing again at any time if you don’t properly look after your beard and the skin underneath.

Microorganisms: Fungal infections occur majorly due to the presence of yeast which lives on your skin and can hide faraway from sunlight (which usually kills it and slows its growth). They can be found under your beard and mustache. The foremost common of those little bastards may be a fungus/yeast called Malassezia, which feeds on sebum (oil produced by your skin). If you were to shave your face completely, the problem would likely resolve itself; but then you wouldn’t have your awesome facial hair anymore.

Sensitivity to beard care and skincare products: Otherwise referred to as dermatitis, this happens when your body is sensitive to specific ingredients in grooming products. This leads to red, itchy, scaly, and flaky skin.


For many people, this involves a mixture of regular exfoliation, washing, and moisturizing. No matter the routine or products you select, remember that it’d be every week or two until you begin seeing results.


Exfoliation is referred to as a process that involves removing dead skin cells, including cells that cause dandruff. You’ll make this the primary step of your routine by employing a beard brush. Get one that has soft bristles. Aside from preventing dead skin cells, a beard brush will also help distribute oils from your skin. This will make the hair of your beard softer and easier to manage.

Before cleaning your beard, gently massage the skin under your beard with a brush. Confirm you’re not scrubbing your beard too hard, as this will make dandruff worse.


It is of high importance to wash your beard the same way you wash your hair. You’ll use the equivalent shampoo you employ on your scalp. However, you would possibly want to choose a medicated shampoo designed to treat dandruff. Prioritize these dandruff-fighting ingredients while selecting a shampoo:

pyrithione zinc

coal tar

selenium sulfide

tea tree oil

Gently massage the shampoo into your beard. Confirm it reaches the skin underneath. It will yield better results if you can wait for a moment or two before rinsing it out. Avoid the use of hot water, as this may dry out and further irritate your skin.

Keep in mind that traditional shampoos designed for your scalp could also be too harsh for your face, especially if you’ve got sensitive or dry skin. If shampoo feels too dry, it will be better to get a cleanser designed specifically for beards.


Moisturizing your beard is crucial for eradicating dandruff. Moisturizing your beard facilitates rehydration, and this protects your skin after shampooing.

Many a time, when you think of moisturizing, lotion comes to mind. However, it is often hard to apply moisturizer to your beard without leaving residue, depending on how much your beard is. Instead, choose beard oil if your beard is quite much.

If you’ve got acne-prone skin, you would possibly want to go for a non-comedogenic oil — meaning it won’t clog your pores.

Apply your moisturizer immediately after cleansing.