

If you are going to provide trauma scene cleanup service, you should think about purchasing professional equipment, and it is not an easy task. Expensive items such as vacuum cleaners or rotary machines can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. With an investment of this magnitude, it is important to make the right choice.

Have you ever calculated the payback on the cleaning equipment you purchased?

When evaluating equipment, it is wise to take into account these four factors:

Initial cost: Compare the price tags of different manufacturers of professional equipment for trauma scene cleanup service to make sure that the product you are considering corresponds to the average values. But remember, price and cost are not the same things. Other benefits must also be taken into account when making a decision (technical data, longer service life, brand, etc.).

Performance. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the equipment for trauma scene cleanup service – how well and how fast it works. Cheaper does not mean better if a vacuum cleaner you bought shows poor performance.

Service life: Most appliances have 3 to 5 years of service life. This number can be much higher with a quality maintenance program. Ask your distributor or manufacturers about the average service life of the equipment you are considering. If it is short, your trauma scene cleanup service will be unprofitable because you’ll have to replace the equipment very often.

Operating costs: you should also consider how much this particular machine will cost (or save) in terms of things like water and energy consumption. 

In a labor-intensive industry like trauma scene cleanup where man-hours make up 55 to 85 percent of a cleaning company’s budget, productivity is paramount. Smart equipment purchases make your team more efficient and may even allow you to cut or redistribute work time.  

The best choice is not the machine with the lowest price but the one that provides the best payback period and ROI.

You have to know how big the areas you are going to clean are.

 Before you can calculate the payback period and profitability of any equipment, you need to know the specifics of the area you are cleaning.

Every cleaning company needs to know the exact area of ​​the premises they clean. You can get this measurement from a drawing, or by physically marking it with a laser tape measure. You might even be able to count the floor tiles and multiply the length by the width.

You must also understand the density of each space. Whether you are cleaning wide-open areas (hallways) or areas with a lot of furniture (offices and patient rooms). There is a big difference in how to maintain 10,000 square meters of empty space versus 10,000 square meters of a furnished room. This is important information for you that will help you determine the cleaning time of trauma scene cleanup and calculate the price for your services.

After finding out the size of the rooms you are cleaning, you need to calculate the time of trauma scene cleanup. How long does it take to clean the premises with the equipment you are currently using? You can do it yourself, you can find industry averages, or you can use software from a manufacturer or industry association.

Do the math thoroughly before starting performing trauma scene cleanupotherwise, it won’t pay off.